Revolution of Philosophy — New Dualism

(from the Internet)

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  1. Before defining what is philosophy, we need to define what intelligence is.
    : “Intelligence is the ability to learn, understand, and think about things”. (from Longman dictionary)
    We need to find a way to improve our intelligence by gauging it:
    New: “Intelligence is a directed graph of nodes which are atomic concepts, and edges which link two concepts; the end is created by the starts and its unique attributes.”
  2. What is an atomic concept?
    Old: “A concept is an abstract idea; a general notion.” (from Google)
    But it doesn’t depend on the idea, notion or abstraction of the human. It’s real.
    New: “An atomic concept is a thing with a unique attribute.”
  3. What is philosophy?
    Old: “Philosophy is the study of the nature and meaning of existence, truth, good and evil etc…” (from Longman dictionary)
    New: “Philosophy is the study of all attributes as rules of concepts which aren’t or are being discovered and calculated by science.”
    So, for scientific research and invention, we use philosophy first.
  4. What are Monism, Pluralism and Dualism?
    A concept has one in the three forms. A person has at least one in the three mindsets too. I don’t define ‘ism” as ideas of the human but concepts of everything.
    Monism is a form of an atomic concept which isn’t replaced by the better opposite in dualism after its cycle of time.
    Pluralism is a form of more than two concepts which have identical and opposite attitudes.
    Dualism is a form of two concepts which have identical and opposite attitudes. They are more effective than the others in Pluralism. The first concept is better than the second concept in a cycle of time and the opposite in the next cycle of time.
    Everything is developed from Monism to Pluralism and Dualism.
  1. What is the concept: “opposite”?
    : “Opposite is as different as possible from something else” (from Longman)
    New: “Opposite is a different attribute of the first concept in Dualism from the second concept”.
  2. Examples:
    — Republican party and democratic party of the US, which has multi parties, is a form of dualism. The cycle of time is 4, 8, 12 or 16 years. We need to make the statistics to know the cycle of time exactly. I call the politics of the US by a new name: Duarchy.
    — A communist party in Vietnam and a “Putin” party in Russia are forms of Monism.
    — Female and male is a form of Dualism; minorities are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Several thousands of years ago, the female had higher roles than the male. The phenomenon will be repeated in the future. We must discover the cycle of time.
  3. Attributes
    Monism: has less motivation for improving its attributes. Everything that has existed longer than it must be changed becomes worse and is substituted by the opposite.
    Pluralism: has motivation for improving its attributes because of its opposite attributes. They can destroy the others.
    Dualism: is the special case of Pluralism. At a point of time and space, a dualism-two opposite concepts are the two largest parts in pluralism about quality or quantity. The opposite is the most important factor for development and diversity of everything. Dualism is more stable than pluralism and the best view.
    — The philosophies must be right at every time and everywhere, Earth and the other planets.
    — Changing of attributes can take from more than zero to few, hundreds, thousands, millions and billions of years. In the last 200 years, the development of human beings has been very fast. With philosophers, the time period is very short as a dream. We don’t see development of concepts and its cycle of time, especially in natural things.
  4. Explain Mysteries
    Big Bang Theory: everything started from simple attributes in Monism.
    Darwinism: “is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.” (from Wikipedia). Dualism explains Darwinism as best as possible, not only for biodiversity but also for everything because of creating opposite concepts.
    + Dualism explains different genders: female and male but Darwinism can’t.
    + Two eyes, two nostrils, two hands, two legs and two halves of the brain are forms of dualism. Creatures in the other planets have some similar architectures. Why do we have only One mouth?
    Democracy: Why is democracy the best method to make decisions? In dualism, a task will have two major opposite solutions to get the two best results like plan A and B. I assume two numbers: 49% and 51%. Depending on the situation of each person, most people will choose a solution with 51% better at the time. The solution will change to a 49% solution which becomes 51% better at another time. So people will choose a solution with 51% better at any time. In the case of most people choosing a solution with 49% is still better than the president of a country choosing a solution with 51%. Why? Most people won’t or can’t follow the decision of the president; they execute the solution less than 49%. So choosing a solution with 49% is better than another with 51%. Like in companies, CEOs make decisions with 51% but final results are wrong because of bad execution of his staff. That is why in countries like Vietnam with a uni-party system, the government should compliment its decisions to increase a number of following people, although the solutions are only 49% because they don’t have statistics to know which solution is better.
    Countries with uni-party systems have less decisions with 51% better to develop the economy and society. They also have less concepts than countries with multiparty systems and duarchies. Such as, lots of people in Vietnam have the same last name: Nguyen. More concepts, more intelligence.
  5. Why is Dualism a revolution?
    Buddha, Jesus Christ, preachers and monks are philosophers. They are like us-normal people. But they are thinkers spending more time to think about philosophies which become social science nowadays. Such as charity is a way of marketing and chants like propaganda today.
    Karl Marx was an economist. He used Dualism to invent a new mindset — Communism from Capitalism.
    Today, philosophers should be linguists who know concepts rather than writing. In religions, we have concepts: devil and evil. But in Dualism, we have: less knowledge, more knowledge and mental issues discovered by linguistics related to devil and evil. This thought helps us find out the right solutions.
  6. Applications
    Dualism is used for anything, making right decisions. Clearly It’s used in invention, politics, business, architectures of software and construction, cures in medicine, such as we transfer a dualism of sick parts to a form of monism to reduce the development of illness. We treat a sick left eye and must know effects on the normal right eye. Based on a cycle of time, we can know what happened in the past and the future. When will the US democratic party win again?
    If your philosophies are wrong, they will destroy your intelligence. Even Mr. Ngo Bao Chau who was awarded the Fields Medal in 2010 gets confused about a wrong math formula because of philosophical crisis in mathematics: 1+2+3+… = -1/12
    All mathematicians and education systems in the world may study and teach the wrong. Lots of infinite formulas may be useless.

    I want Dualism to be a new thought with world renown like Darwinism. But I need several years or decades to discover it with big data. If you are living in a monism country like Vietnam, you won’t have more opportunities to know new concepts directly by senses: taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound.
    The philosopher — 03/20/2020

